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09/03/2023 - UI Addition - View Private Messages in Main.

08/20/2022 - New item types available: Runes. Not available for purchase at this time. Very low drop rate.

08/16/2022 - New item available: Clockwork Swine. We're not quite sure about everything they do just yet... Not available for purchase at this time. *Extremely* low drop rate.

08/14/2022 - New creature type available: Shiny. These creatures drop a Gem upon their death, but beware; they are not what they seem.

08/08/2022 - New Trinkets available: Pearl Of Wisdom, Nugget Of Joy, Experience Egg. Find more Gems, gold, and EXP, respectively.

08/08/2022 - New Trinket available: Tin Soldiers. Increase the amount of Troops for your Settlements each day.

08/02/2022 - The entrance to The Black Gardens is now open for Viscount(ess) and above.

07/31/2022 - New item available: Doomsday Device. The Doomsday Device causes catastrophic damage to enemy Walls in a 3x3 area. Single use. Available For Purchase Here. Extremely low drop rate.

07/29/2022 - New trinket available: The Talisman Of Summoning. This Talisman makes the chance of awakening a Beast increase!

07/28/2022 - Beast overhaul!!! More Essence, More items, more beast susceptibility to the Electrum Lens. Chat enhancements implemented. Tips of the day implemented.

07/24/2022 - New trinket available: The Crystal Of Lars. This special item allows rulers to inspect enemy settlements from afar.

07/23/2022 - Private messages are now in beta testing.

07/22/2022 - Settlements now have a chance of overthrowing a neighboring settlement if they are engaged in war.

07/20/2022 - Basic war is now implemented! You can attack other ruler's settlements in an attempt to destroy a percentage of their assets (walls & troops.)

07/12/2022 - Rare Items are now implemented! Very low drop rate, but each has an Aspect associated with it, and positive effects.

07/07/2022 - All Cards have been implemented in the Lenormand deck. All are beneficial with one exception...

07/06/2022 - New Trinket available - The Lenormand Deck. Players can draw one card a day for a variety of beneficial effects! UNDER CONSTRUCTION!! 27/36 Cards have been implemented.

07/03/2022 - Creatures now have an Aspect associated with them. Player weapon Aspects now have a factor in damage to creatures.

06/22/2022 - Settlements are in! For a hefty price, you can settle lands and fortify your domain.

05/04/2022 - Chat system online, daily maintenance script added, SSL Cert installed. Gem Day implemented.

02/12/2022 - Buy and Sell items implemented. Spells implemented. New armor available.

01/08/2022 - Chat system now more secure. New admin features available. Beast fight adjustments.

12/15/2021 - Enchanted item generation is functioning - now creatures have a low chance to drop items. Chat system is working, and in alpha stages. Creature fights now last a maximum of 50 rounds.

12/03/2021 - Bank implemented. Quest additions are being added, and the mines will be open soon.

11/29/2021 - More armor is being added. Player's armor score is now taken into consideration during creature fights. Chat system structure created. Nobility structure implemented.

11/28/2021 - Crown Of Destiny is currently in alpha-stage development.

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